15/10/2024 Amanda C. 801
Volcanic lightning, often referred to as a "dirty thunderstorm," is a rare and spectacular phenomenon that occurs during certain volcanic eruptions. It is caused by the friction and collisions of ash, dust, and gas particles that are ejected from the volcano. The buildup of electric charge in the volcanic plume leads to flashes of lightning that can be seen within or around the ash cloud. This type of lightning can be extremely powerful and dangerous, potentially triggering forest fires, damaging buildings, and harming wildlife.
25/10/2024 670
15/10/2024 631
15/10/2024 785
15/10/2024 640
15/10/2024 801
15/10/2024 785
14/10/2024 725
25/10/2024 670
15/10/2024 640